Sonic City: stories and sounds of Sydney

Presenting sound-designed stories of Sydney inspired by locations in the City of Sydney LGA, curated by Sydney-based publishing company, Spineless Wonders and produced in collaboration with Echidna Audio.

A Strange Affection

Royal Botanic Gardens, Mrs Macquaries Rd, Sydney

Words by Christopher Marcatili | Sounds by Martin Gallagher

An awkward meeting, even as first dates go. Him arriving fifteen minutes late, no message or warning.

A queer romance blossoms under one of Sydney’s iconic trees.

About the Artists

CHRISTOPHER MARCATILI is an author of weird and queer fiction. He works at the ANU, as a consultant for Not For Profits, and runs Ellipsis Editing at Read his work at

MARTIN GALLAGHER is a sound engineer/designer focused in creative media production.  He has a Bachelor of Audio Engineering (Post-Production SAE) and a Bachelor of Performance in Theatre (University of Wollongong). His passion is creating amazing sound for projects, digital or live. Martin runs Echidna Audio, a sound studio for hire, based in Glebe, Sydney.​

curated + presented by


Stories and sounds of Sydney. Sonic City Sydney is a series of audio-stories, each under five minutes in length, produced by Spineless Wonders and Echidna Audio and funded by the City of Sydney.